Papia Sarwar
Papia Sarwar
An artist and architect based in Dhaka.
Went to Viqarunnisa Noon School and college and later completed B.ARCH from BRAC University.
Designing Space with Natural as well as Recycled Materials has always fascinated me.Thus I play with
different materials on Canvas as well. I am a self-taught artist.
I love my mother, nature, music and poetry!
I paint my own reality through art .
Living in Dhaka is not that easy so I try to escape from the chaos of Dhaka through my art. I find my way
out to the Nature and my surreal world through art.
Living in the present, taking conscious decision and making myself the tool of
creation is my process. Surely, I often fail and embrace the mistakes in the
process which creates vast new opportunities.
I grow so does my art.